Solo Canoe Fishing Setup
The canoes that are ‘fishing-friendly’, or models that are specifically designed for the more adventurous canoeist in mind, don’t just have to be used for fishing trips. you can use the more robust models for a variety of trips, just keep in mind that some are slightly heavier or made specifically for the solo-paddler.. For solo canoe fly fishing, you really need to use a kayak paddle. if you don't get a kayak paddle you are going to doing a lot of arm switching on each stroke or "j" stroking. with a kayak paddle, you make quick dips and alternate, left hand-right hand. you do need to get a very long kayak paddle for a solo canoe.. Canoes don't need to be tandem. in fact, paddling a solo canoe can be an exceptional alternative to a traditional canoe or kayak. providing that same stability and storage capacity as a traditional canoe, this allows the solo canoeist to get out and explore, fish, and portage the back country..
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Good solo and tandem fishing canoes? -
Which solo fishing canoe depends upon what kind of water you'll be fishing, too. if flatwater lakes and very slow rivers, you'll probably want something that tracks well, paddles easily, and can cover some ground more or less effortlessly.. If getting out in nature by yourself is your thing, old town solo canoes are the answer. lightweight and durable, our solo canoes will glide you into serenity.. The solo skiff is an all one piece seamless motorized fishing kayak. rotational molded in high density polyethylene, with two layers for a hull thickness of over 1/2″, the solo skiff is built like a tank..
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